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Customer Case Study: Eddie Hall

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Eddie “The Beast” Hall , former World’s Strongest Man, is trading ‘Strongman’ events, for a boxing match, taking on his rival, Game of Thrones star Hafthor Bjornnson (aka the Mountain) in Las Vegas next year. In order to prepare for the fight, Eddie has been supporting his strict nutrition plan and gruelling exercise routine with our 3D printed, personalised vitamins.

We caught up with him to find out how his training is going, and how Nourished is helping him to reach his goals.

1. What's different about your training this time around? 

Boxing is a whole new ballgame for me and requires a different kind of fitness and endurance to Strongman. I have introduced a lot more cardio into my training schedule, which includes running, boxing, swimming and HIT sessions. The overarching strategy is linked to a technique called Linear periodization which allows you to really push through your limits and push up PBs. Due to the regularity and intensity of these sessions, it’s important that I keep up my energy levels and focus and that my muscles recover quickly, which supplements can really help with.

Due to my size and the level at which I’m training, I also need to take more vitamins & supplements than the average person – so it was crucial I found a more effective and convenient solution than popping loads of pills each day!

2. Can you tell us a bit more about your diet and nutrition regime?

Because of my size and the intensity of my training programme I have to eat a lot of food! I currently consume about 7000 calories a day, containing a variety of protein, carbs and vegetables. It’s not only time consuming to eat so much, it also takes a lot of forward planning, consistency, and effort. I’ve started taking different super-foods in my Nourished stacks which means I don’t have to worry about incorporating them into my diet, which is a massive bonus for me!

Supplementing active ingredients such as Cordyceps increases my energy levels and improves my sleep, Silica helps to fortify my bones and joints and Ashwagandha reduces any inflammation and supports my concentration and brain functionality. It would be a real pain to have to include these ingredients in my diet so being able to take them in my Nourished stacks is fantastic and I really feel the benefits from them.

3. Why did you choose personalised vitamins?

For me, convenience is everything. My schedule is pretty hectic with fitting in hours of training, 6 meals a day, business meetings and family time - that I needed my vitamins to suit my lifestyle. With Nourished I decide exactly what goes into my tailor-made stack, and I don’t need to worry about taking lots of different pills or about the bulking agents and the other unnecessary ingredients that are in so many standard multi-vitamins. I just eat 3 stacks each morning and evening which each contain 7 vitamins, nutrients, and superfoods. So, I’m getting 21 active ingredients twice a day to help with my performance and recovery, and it’s just an enjoyable and easy experience. I also feel the impact from them much more than any other vitamins that I’ve tried, and the concept of 3D printing is just so cool!

My wife is really into her health and fitness as well, and she takes Nourished with her own specific blend of ingredients. It’s great that the same product can benefit individuals with completely different bodies, lifestyle, and goals!

4. What is in your Vitamin Stacks?

Well I need a lot of extra nourishment while training as hard as I am, so I have 3 stacks a day with 21 different vitamins and nutrients in total!


Some of the most beneficial active ingredients which Eddie takes to support his high endurance training are:

To find out if you are recommended some of the same high impact Nourishments as Eddie, complete our short questionnaire to see the bespoke blend suited for your lifestyle and goals! 


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