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Customer Case Study: Stephanie

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Here at Nourished, we love helping our customers find bespoke nutritional solutions to enhance their lifestyle and optimise their goals. In this Customer Story, we spoke with Stephanie who tried Nourished and noticed the positive effects of taking his gummy stack every day.

1. What is your name?  

My name is Stephanie Dowson   

2. What is your occupation?  

I am retired

3. Who do you live with? 

My husband and my youngest 28-year-old daughter

4. What are your hobbies/interests? 

My hobbies and interests include keeping fit, cooking, reading, socialising and looking after my granddaughter.

5. What are your goals/main priorities at the moment? 

My main priorities are keeping myself and family healthy and getting through my menopause without resorting to medication!

6. Why did you decide to try Nourished? 

I was recommended Nourished by my eldest daughter and have been taking them since February 2021.

7. Why did you choose Nourished over other vitamin brands on the market? 

I honestly don’t like the idea of swallowing a handful of different vitamins and supplements a day when I can have just one gummy.

8. How long have you been taking Nourished for?

I have been taking Nourished for over a year now.

9. What benefits have you felt from taking Nourished?

I have tweaked the stack a couple of times to suit. I am convinced they have helped enormously with my menopause especially. I don’t suffer anywhere near my friends' ailments, and I put that down to my stack

10. What appeals to you most about Nourished?

I prefer them to swallowing umpteen vitamins and pop them in my case when travelling anywhere. I chew one at the same time 15.30 every day.


Vegan, sugar-free nutrient gummies. Designed by you, freshly made by us.

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