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Customer Case Study: Entrepreneur Catherine D’Arcy

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We love finding out more about our customers and how Nourished is making a positive impact on their everyday lives. In this Customer Story we chatted with Cath who is a successful entrepreneur and passionate about nutrition.

1. What is your name?

Catherine D’Arcy

2. What is your occupation?

 Entrepreneur (owner or part owner of 5 businesses)

3. Who do you live with?


4. What are your hobbies/interests?

Travel, Food (eating out and cooking) & Nutrition. No time for anything else with all the businesses!

5. What are your main goals/priorities at the moment?

Hold time at bay by being in the best possible shape physically (weight, tone, non-wrinkliness 😊)

6. Why did you decide to try Nourished?

Curiosity and poor impulse control. And I liked the idea of a blend tailored specifically to me.

7. Why did you choose Nourished over other vitamin brands on the market?

 I liked the idea of one combination dose per day rather than endless bottles of pills.

8. How long have you been taking Nourished for?

 3 months.

9. What benefits have you felt from taking Nourished?

I got amoebic dysentery when I lived in Asia and the hardcore antibiotics used to treat it upset my digestive balance leading to a mild IBS. This seems to have improved since starting the Nourished gummies.

I have certainly felt better in myself in the last couple of months and I have noticed that people have commented that I look younger than when they saw me pre-lockdown, and I seem to be finding it easier to maintain my weight.

10. What appeals to you most about Nourished?

One dose a day, combined by experts specifically for me.


To find out what benefits you can expect to feel from your bespoke blend of Nourishments, complete out short questionnaire to get a recommendation of the 7 vitamins and super-foods best suited to your lifestyle and goals! 

Vegan, sugar-free nutrient gummies. Designed by you, freshly made by us.

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