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Our top 8 tips for nourishing your lifestyle

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With the recent update from the government that lock-down regulations will stay relatively the same for the foreseeable future, we thought we’d provide some tips to help you Nourish your lifestyle and loved ones during these challenging times.

1. Eating in is the new eating out

Without the option of wining and dining out, online recipe blogs have seen unprecedented traffic as we practice our culinary skills at home. If you’re missing your favourite restaurant, try replicating their signature dish to give your taste buds a treat from the past. Remember that many local food businesses are now offering deliveries to survive, so ordering from them will help to show your support and give you a break from the kitchen.

2. Move! 

Take advantage of the new allowance for unlimited exercise outside. Dig out your old tennis racket or take up golf as a new hobby (whilst complying with social distancing); you might discover a hidden talent and the exercise will certainly help to boost your mood. If you are looking to increase your exercise regime, check out our Nourishments which can help boost your endurance, performance and recovery. 

3. Stay focused 

Whether you’re working from home or making your way through a list of DIY projects whilst on furlough; it’s important to keep your mind active and your body busy. Maintaining a routine and having something to distract you from what is happening in the wider world will give some normality back in your life and help you feel more 'you'. 

4. Plan ahead...

Although all travel has been temporarily suspended, it doesn’t stop us planning ahead. Give yourself something looking to forward to and research the best family campsites in the UK or the most romantic couple retreats in Europe to treat yourself when normality resumes.

5. Socialise (whilst social distancing)

The government has now advised it is safe to meet with one other person from a different household in an open, communal area. If you have a loved one nearby, take the opportunity to get out, catch up and get some Vitamin D!

6. Take a day trip

In England it is now OK to drive to an outdoor place such as a park or beach, as long as you adhere to physical distancing. So, research somewhere safe and open, make a packed lunch and apply your sun cream!

Note: Rules are currently still different in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland so it is important to stick to within England.

7. Make memories

The government is hoping to introduce a phased return for early years settings and schools, meaning if you have children within nursery age, reception, year 1 and year 6 – they could be returning to school by June 1st.

Although this news probably has you popping a bottle of champagne, you might actually be surprised in the future if you miss this unique time with your children. Now the end could be in sight; make the most of out of your last few weeks together and make some memories you will cherish forever!

8. Be kind to yourself

Despite what social media might have you think, no-one is expecting you to come out of lock-down a chiseled version of your former self or having written your first best-selling novel.

These are unprecedented and extremely challenging times and if coping on off days means eating banana bread in your PJs from dawn till dusk; that’s OK. If you feel your mental health is suffering in isolation, check out our high impact and natural Nourishments which can help to boost your mood and relieve stress. 

Vegan, sugar-free nutrient gummies. Designed by you, freshly made by us.

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