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Local supply, plastic free & home compostable.

Personalised nutrients for you Get Your Recommendation
At Nourished we are passionate about Nourishing our bodies and the planet, which is why we worked long and hard to create a totally sustainable business. 

We use 3D printers to make your personalised stacks and have no single use plastic in our manufacturing process. Furthermore we have a wastage rate in our production of 2% or less which is really incredible when you consider that most food factories waste between 25-40% ! You can find out more about our 3D printing processes and the benefits of using additive manufacturing, in our blog with our CTO here

But we didn’t stop there -  in addition to our processes on site we also sought to secure a supply chain which was primarily from the UK; meaning our ingredients and raw materials are fresher, have a lower carbon impact and serve to support the UK business ecosystem.

When we were in the development stages of the concept we decided we wanted to create something truly revolutionary for our packaging solution. A lot of people were talking about “Plastic Free” but for us this was not enough. We spent countless hours researching different materials and finally found a way to ensure our packaging solution was not only plastic free but also 100% biodegradable. The individual wrappers are actually made from a unique wood pulp material which will compost in your garden in 32 weeks! To find out more about how you can home compost your Nourished wrappers, check out our blog here. 

Our outer boxes are also made from up to 90% recycled cardboard, which can be further processed or up-cycled many times. 

Finally we made sure our solution involved everything from special bio-inks for the printing to unique adhesives for our stickers to make the entire package as eco-friendly as possible. We are delighted with the end result and are proud that we have a solution which will protect our innovative product and the earth at the same time.

We believe that every business has a responsibility to reduce its carbon footprint and we are passionate about creating products which not only Nourish your health but nourish our community and environment as well! 

Vegan, sugar-free nutrient gummies. Designed by you, freshly made by us.

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