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What is selenium?

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So you've heard of Selenium, but what is it? Selenium is a nutrient-rich, natural ingredient that acts as an antioxidant, improves heart health, whilst promoting healthy hair, skin and nails.

What is Selenium and what does it do?

Selenium is a vital mineral that plays a very important role in a lot of our body’s processes. This essential mineral must be obtained through your diet and although you only need small amounts of it, it is important that you consume it on a regular basis if you want to see its amazing health benefits. Selenium is a very popular supplement which can be taken in a variety of different ways and you can also find it in our sugar-free, vegan Nourished stacks. 

What are the benefits of Selenium?

Selenium is rich in antioxidants and many other health benefits.

Antioxidants are compounds found in foods that can help to slow and prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. Although free radicals appear naturally in your body, their levels are increased by poor lifestyle choices like smoking and drinking alcohol, and high levels cause oxidation of the cells. This oxidation has been linked to a lot of major health conditions like heart disease and cancer [iii]. It is also a cause of premature ageing, but the antioxidants in Selenium can help to slow that process and reduce your chances of disease. [i] [ii]

Selenium can help improve heart health.

Low selenium levels in the body have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. Studies show that a 50% increase in selenium levels led to a significant decrease in risk of heart disease. Selenium also lowers inflammation in the body, and that can reduce your risk of heart disease even further. [iv]

Supplementing Selenium can also support your dental health, hair and skin.

The antioxidant properties of Selenium help to reduce the signs of ageing and make your skin look younger, but it can also help to improve your hair as well. Healthy levels of Selenium in your diet will improve hair growth and strength.

Nourished provides stacks of 7 different active ingredients in one gummy, which is so much easier than taking a range of different pills and powders each day, and they are designed for you. So, what vitamins should I take I hear you asking? Our inner-beauty stack contains Selenium, along with a range of other great natural gummies. Alternatively, you can take our quiz and create your very own custom gummy stack that is designed for you.

Want to Learn More?

Please visit the studies below or this page here to find out additional information regarding this inclusion:





Vegan, sugar-free nutrient gummies. Designed by you, freshly made by us.

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