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You could save over 30% with a subscription You've selected a one-time purchase. Why not switch to our fully flexible subscription and save over 30% on each box of Nourished Vitamins?

£37.99 £28 (save 26%) inc. FREE delivery
1 box | 28 gummies £1.00 per day
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Better efficacy & absorption.

Personalised nutrients for you Get Your Recommendation

At Nourished we are passionate about creating totally tailor-made nutrition on demand with high efficacy levels and optimised delivery methods.

We want to ensure that our Nourished stacks are making the best, most powerful impact for our customers. So, we worked extremely hard to ensure that all of our range of actives ingredients are of the highest quality with the maximum bio-availability possible. (This technically-sounding word 'Bioavailability' basically means better absorbed by the body!)

We use highly researched base ingredients which have all been developed with optimal absorption in mind, some of our ingredients, such as Hydrocurc ™ Curcumin Extract and Black Pepper extract have up to 2000% higher absorption rates than if in an isolated form.[1],[2],[3]

Hydrocurc is specifically designed to increase bioavailability of curcuminoids, using a special LipiSperse® technology.[4].

We personally make your stacks on demand using our proprietary patent protected* (11 if your counting) 3D printing hybrid manufacturing method. As all of our products are made fresh, and reach you within 3-5 days from when they are made, we can guarantee that the nutrients we put in your stacks contain 99.5% or higher of the specified active ingredients, as opposed to some supplements on the market.[5]

Our suppliers and ourselves test the products rigorously to ensure safety and compliance and that the ingredients are genuine and contain the nutrients specified (via HPLC, Presence testing). We test the active vitamins post manufacture to ensure we are providing at least 99.5% of the NRV to ensure efficacy.

Traditional vitamins can be made up to 2 years before reaching the consumer and they have often come from long supply chains and are kept on retail shelves for prolonged periods, meaning that they can suffer from loss of effectiveness with regards to specific vitamins that can degrade under certain conditions.

Beyond this, some vitamins are packed in 90+ day jars, meaning that as soon as you open the jars, you expose the whole set to exterior conditions and are no longer air sealed like an individually packaged stack that you get in Nourished.

We also use specific ingredients such as K2 Vital Delta because they are resistant to degradation and provide further benefits than standard Vitamin K grades. K2 Vital delta is microencapsulated, and we have tested it to ensure its quality when it reaches you.

We encapsulate all of your chosen active ingredients into our patented vegan hydrocolloid gel –  meaning your body digests your Nourished stack like any other food and it is chewable, easy to eat for all and contains only natural ingredients which is most often not the case with isolated tablet forms.

To find out more about the scientific research and evidence behind differences between our gummies to standard isolated pills, check out our blog here

*Patents published and pending.






To find out more about the scientific research and evidence behind increased absorption rates of vitamin gummies compared to standard isolated pills, check out our blog here

Vegan, sugar-free nutrient gummies. Designed by you, freshly made by us.

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